Self love, the root of faith

It has been a couple weeks since my last post, but there have been a lot of downloads in that time which have really taken a toll on me physically. As a mother to a toddler I am already just, as part of my status quo, exhausted, but then add energy boosts and upgrades and downloads and activations to the mix and, well, the result is today's three-hour nap and overall zombie-like energy.

Quick side bar: you would think that when recieving these downloads that your energy would increase and you'd feel all magical and powerful, but I've found that it's not the case. At least for me. Our human consciousness lags behind our higher consciousness by design and also due to the limitations of this reality, and so it's like putting in a new operating system in an old machine. Fortunately for human beings, we are not machines, and our human bodies/consciousness eventually catches up - but there is still a lag. As we get older that lag can feel longer and longer, and harder and harder. But the wisdom you gain as a result is worth the trouble, so I'm accepting of this sacred exchange even if I do look and feel haggard!

One of the most important takeaways from the downloads over the last couple weeks has been that of Awakened Leadership; in fact, it has sort of completely changed the trajectory of my mission. Perhaps it's more accurate to say that my understanding of my mission has changed completely, because I am slowly putting the pieces of this puzzle together as things are revealed to me when I'm ready to have them be revealed to me (as is meant). In this way it probably looks like I am stumbling around a bit in the dark, though unafraid because I know that whatever I do is right, because I'm doing it. Leaning in to your faith in Source and yourself through Source as Source's perfect creation can only lead you to exactly where you're meant to be, and what better way to go through life than that?

And as I lean into Awakened Leadership and learn what it is even as I begin writing about it (channeling higher consciousness in the doing), I continue to be struck by the notion of faith and what it actually does and means for us as human beings. Because the foundation of everything is one thing: self love. Without it, the house we try to build will sink into the earth; with it, the frame and walls and rooms we build to live and grow into will stand forever. 

Why self love? Because love itself is the glue that binds the universe, and also that which powers creation. It is one of the four pillars of Source, which also includes creation itself. Love therefore is neither an emotion or does it represent acceptance, it is far grander than that. Love is how existence exists in the first place. Love is ubiquitous and ethereal both what connects us to Source and also Source itself. It even encompasses the other three pillars. It is everything. When you love yourself, therefore, you are honouring Source who created you, who loves you beyond all human imagining. Human beings cannot conceive of how greatly they are loved, and so this is where faith needs to come in. 

People claim to have faith in God but when it comes to themselves, they are bereft. True faith is rooted in self love - which is neither egoic or narcissistic but altruistic; self love is the recognition that you are both the one and the many, that to treat another as you would be treated is to treat yourself. Self love is seeing yourself in others and others in yourself. It is forgiving yourself and forgiving others. Self love in and of itself is an act of faith in Source - that which cannot be named - because you are living in complete and total alignment in what was intended. Self love is the recognition of God's power through you because you are of God. 

People place faith in so many things these days, and so often the wrong things (though nothing is really wrong, because where a person is on the journey is exactly where they're supposed to be). The truth is that the further away from God we seem to stray is exactly the distance we were supposed to go in order to find our way back. Have faith that all is meant. 

Weekly channeled wisdom: Heed your actions and deepen your awakening experience

As it happens often, a 'voice' will awaken me at some point during the night with a message on repeat. If I think I'm being lectured, it puts me in a mood (because I am human after all), and I'll try to reframe it in a way that I think is not scolding or sanctimonious, untll such time as I let go of any fears I have around the message and really digest it at the level of intuition and inner wisdom (which is everyone's entry point to higher consciousness). 

"Heed your actions" was last night's hit single, and it had me turning over in bed wondering what or if I'd done anything to deserve (what felt like) such a chastisement. It was only while outside with my toddler (light of my life) and dog (who was in that moment reminding me to observe my annoyance with him rather than succumb to it), that the true meaning of the words pushed through to the surface. I took a deep breath and allowed it in. 

What does it mean to heed our actions

When we 'heed' something, we are noticing it. And if actions include non-actions, then this message is really asking us to notice our actions. Noticing something for the first time is the entry point to understanding, and if it's yourself that you're noticing (even just a different aspect for the first time), then this is another rung on the ladder of understanding yourself at the human consciousness level. This, in turn, will help you deepen your awakening experience, which is in itself a series of 'noticings' until you've seen what you need to see (this may happen alongside or at different times from the gradual widening of the veil separating your human consciousness from higher consciousness). Remember that at all times it is your higher consciousness dictating the progression of your awakening, because it's your higher consciousness that's learning how to awaken 'itself.' The more times it awakens the human being at the human consciousness level over countless incarnations, the more evolved your higher consciousness gets until one day/incarnation, the human being that is born is already awake (the hole is so big that there really is no veil anymore).

The subconscious mind and the Witness

In between our human and higher consciouness exists our subconscious. Think of it like a buffer zone between the two, a data link that tries to make the connection between something like Wikipedia and your computer, where Wikipedia is your higher consciousness with its unlimited wisdom, and your computer is, obviously, you. When there is no hole in the veil (or if it is still very small), this data link is the only way for your higher consciousness to communicate with you. If it didn't exist, how would your higher consciousness ever learn to wake 'you' up? What happens in the data link though, and which is endlessly frustrating for our human consciousness, is distortion. Our subconscious is still of the realm of our human consciousness, which is of the body. And what do our bodies hold on to? Trauma. Memories. Thoughts and fears. Emotions. We are very volatile creations. Therefore, every message that comes forth from the higher consciousness to the human consciousness is distorted via the subconscious filter/data link. This is why dream analysis is such a fascinating topic of exploration at both the mystical and psychological levels. 

But our subconscious is not just a data link (for us). It is also our autopilot.

Our autopilot is exactly that, the actions or inactions that we take/don't take unconsciously. Sometimes these autopilot things are good (breathing, blinking, positive behaviours cultivated over time). Sometimes, they are not-so-good (destructive habits and negative behaviours cultivated over time). Our autopilots are not pre-programmed; they are 'built' into our operating system over time. The trouble occurs when we do something negative over and over again such that it is elevated to a subconscious behaviour (sometimes without our realizing it). And because our subconscious mind holds on to the traumas and fears and emotions of our bodies (if we consciously held onto these things all of the time we would not be able to function) as well as holds sway over the unconscious actions driven by those things, this makes conscious recognition of that which you do unconsciously/subconsciously very challenging. It is also important to note that 

But not impossible. 

The critical first step in breaking out of autopilot is to engage the Witness (keep in mind that there are big, unconscious behaviours that you may already be aware of and doing consciously and 'want' to stop doing but continue despite your best intentions, however, that is an exploration for another day; today we are looking only at trying to find those unconscious actions that you haven't yet noticed). 

Think of the Witness as 'your' own personal audience for the reality show that is your life. Your audience is going to see things that you cannot see, being that you are simply too close to the action. From the time you wake up, to the time you lay your head down on your pillow, and moment-to-moment, ask yourself the following question: "why am I doing what I'm doing right now?" This will be very annoying for you, because once you start, it will likely be hard to stop, but it's the same with growth. It's painful and not fun, because in order for us to change there must be a death, a destruction of what used to be in order to make space for what will be. 

"Why am I doing what I'm doing right now?"

Let's say you wake up and instantly reach for your phone. Why do you do that? What is it doing for you, what hole is it filling in that moment? Maybe instead of reaching for your phone you place your hands over your heart while still lying in bed and you close your eyes and breathe deeply. This small contemplation may provide a foundation for stillness that you can take with you as you progress your day. All just because you stopped to witness yourself, ask yourself 'why' and then doing something differently. 

This is just one teeny, tiny example of what engaging the Witness can do for you. And if you think about how many tiny actions you take in a day, most of which are unconscious but unnoticed, how much potential do you think there is to expand your awakening if our awakening is really just a series of noticings


Because each time you disrupt an autopilot action there is a break in the system. Do this enough times and you will completely override the subconcious and lessen the distortion between your humand and higher consciousness. In this way you will deepen your awakening experience but also dramatically change the life you are currently living. That is true alchemy. 

And so, as you begin the week, remember to heed your actions and, of course, be well on your journey.

Can I lose my shit and still be enlightened?

Oh no, it happened again. 

You swore the next time you felt triggered, that you'd take a breath. Be in the moment. Appreciate the trigger and see it for what it is - an opportunity for growth - instead of foaming at the mouth while you explode into white-hot rage. 
As the feeling dissipates (because it always dissipates), and you emerge from the wreckage of your non-existant emotional stasis, you feel ugly. Inside and out. It felt good though, in that moment, didn't it? It always feels good to surrender to the molten lava within our bodies as they react to something external, whether it be something that makes us feel good or bad. 

What are emotions?

Our bodies have their own consciousness; they are human, of Earth. Your emotions are of your body/mind, not your soul. The emotions that get caught in our bellies and chests, that stay at the forefront of our mind - you know the feelings I"m talking about - are deliciously human, which is why it feels so good to give into them. 

You cannot separate yourself in this incarnation from your humanity; the two are linked for as long as you inhabit your vessel. And because your vessel - your beautiful human body - is of Earth itself (and Earth is of the Universe), I'm here to tell you that there is nothing wrong with feelings or emotionsThe planet itself feels and emotes. And because both it and you are made of mostly water (and water is exceptionally sensitive to feelings and emotions), it makes sense that this is part and parcel of our Earthly existence. 

Climbing down from the pedestal

The only reason you may feel bad after getting worked up about something, however, is because there is a spiritual pedestal upon which has been placed those who have renunciated and transcended human emotions. And while there is nothing wrong with that (after all, each one of us walks our own path toward enlightment, deepening in our awakening in our own time and through our own methods), it can also create a barrier between spirituality/enlightenment and those of us who are caught in the golden web that is this life who would also seek to expand our awakening.

We cannot all be the Buddha or Jesus, but that doesn't mean that the rest of us cannot also be enlightened.
I mean, did the ascended masters even have kids? A toddler to reason with? Multiple tantrums in Walmart?
Did they have jobs and bills to pay and mouths to feed (without using magic)? 
What about dogs to walk? Poop to scoop? Toilets to scrub? Aging parents to care for? 
Did they have social media to suffer, a 24-hour news cycle that constantly inundates us with the horror and suffering of our fellow humans?
We cannot get through this life without feeling and emoting, because we are meant to feel and emote. Our emotions and feelings, which are of this planet and thus natural and beautiful, are a critical function of our growth and journey. 

Suffering, enlightenment, and losing your shit

Suffering - which is usually conflated with feelings and emotions - is an individualized spectrum, meaning that we should not compare our suffering to another and vice-versa, and neither should we compare our paths to enlightenment. Enlightenment, which is really just a deep, heart-centered knowing that we are all One, should be thought of as being more of an expansion into higher awareness/consciousness instead of a single stage or entry point because there really is no particular entry point. Enlightenment is what happens as you walk the path and slowly become aware of your surroundings. You would be hard-pressed to name what exactly you saw first that made you start to wake up, because it is really a combination of everything and nothing that brings your higher consciousness into this human experience. 

Our emotions, our suffering, is what we need to help bring about this transformation. The hard things, the amazing things, the regular, day-to-day things with their trials and tribulations, are all a part of it. No matter where you are on your journey, you are exactly where you need to be. And if you're losing your shit, but also asking whether you can also be enlightened while losing your shit, guess what the answer is? 

Yes. 100% yes. 

Human and Higher Consciousness

The person who embodies the emotions and burdens of this human existence while also recognizing the truth of Source/Oneness and the un/reality of this beautiful illlusion is an alchemist. The key is to simultaneously go through the motions of the emotion (human consciousness) while knowing that this is all a part of it, the great game, the cycle of growth and transformation (higher consciousness). When you do this, you exist on two different planes at the same time, which is deeply profound. Bringing your higher consciousness into being alongside your human consciousness means that you don't need to have yet had a profound spiritual experience to help you see the truth, because you're already waking up to it. You're already awake in the dream. 

Your heart already knows the truth

The seed was already planted before you were born, and by asking yourself these questions, by reading posts such as this one, you are already walking the path and starting to notice your surroundings. You are deeping into your awakening and enlightenment, and listening to the whispers which are growing louder. Your heart is open, and you are an emtpy vessel to receive. 

So don't be afraid to lose your shit. It is all part of the process!