In the midst of chaos and change and uncertainty, we can often forget to take time for ourselves to recalibrate, re-orient, and re-purpose ourselves. One of the best ways that I know to do that, is by doing a chakra or energy-centre healing. I often do this on my own while lying in bed, and if you're so inclined, I do encourage you to check out episode 11 of You Get What You Give where I take listeners on a guided meditation and healing journey through all seven energy centres of the body. Please be kind to yourself; these types of healing and cleansing meditations can bring a lot of different things to the surface. 

Below is the script to my guided meditation. Please use it freely and as often as you need. 

Welcome to this 30-minute chakra healing guided meditation. Find a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down, and take a moment to center yourself. Close your eyes if you feel comfortable doing so. Today, we will journey through the seven main chakras to balance and harmonize your energy centres.
Begin by taking a deep breath in, filling your lungs with fresh air, and exhaling slowly. Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, release any tension or stress from your body. Feel the breath as it flows in and out, bringing relaxation and calmness. (2 minutes)
Visualize roots extending from the base of your spine, anchoring you to the earth below. Feel the stability and support of the earth beneath you. With each breath, imagine drawing up nourishing energy from the earth, filling your entire being with vitality and strength. (2 minutes)
Bring your awareness to the base of your spine, the location of your root chakra. Visualize a vibrant red energy wheel spinning clockwise at this point. This chakra governs your sense of safety, security, and connection to the physical world. As you focus on your root chakra, affirm: "I am grounded, safe, and secure. I trust in the abundance of the universe." Take a moment to breathe deeply, allowing the energy of the root chakra to flow freely. (3 mins)
Shift your attention to the area just below your navel, the location of your sacral chakra. Visualize a glowing orange energy wheel spinning gently in a clockwise direction. This chakra is associated with creativity, passion, and emotional balance. As you focus on your sacral chakra, affirm: "I embrace my creativity and honor my emotions. I am open to experiencing pleasure and joy." Take a few deep breaths, allowing the energy of the sacral chakra to flow freely. (3 mins)
Move your awareness to the area just above your navel, the location of your solar plexus chakra. Visualize a radiant yellow energy wheel spinning steadily in a clockwise direction. This chakra governs your personal power, confidence, and self-esteem. As you focus on your solar plexus chakra, affirm: "I am confident in my abilities. I stand in my power and embrace my unique identity." Take a few deep breaths, allowing the energy of the solar plexus chakra to flow freely. (3 mins)
Shift your attention to the center of your chest, the location of your heart chakra. Visualize a beautiful green energy wheel spinning gracefully in a clockwise direction. This chakra is the center of love, compassion, and forgiveness. As you focus on your heart chakra, affirm: "I am open to giving and receiving love. I forgive myself and others, and I radiate compassion to all beings." Take a few deep breaths, allowing the energy of the heart chakra to flow freely. (3 mins)
Move your awareness to the base of your throat, the location of your throat chakra. Visualize a brilliant blue energy wheel spinning gently in a clockwise direction. This chakra governs communication, self-expression, and authenticity. As you focus on your throat chakra, affirm: "I speak my truth with clarity and confidence. My words are a reflection of my authentic self." Take a few deep breaths, allowing the energy of the throat chakra to flow freely. (3 mins)
Shift your attention to the center of your forehead, just above the eyebrows, the location of your third eye chakra. Visualize a deep indigo energy wheel spinning steadily in a clockwise direction. This chakra is associated with intuition, insight, and inner wisdom. As you focus on your third eye chakra, affirm: "I trust my intuition and inner guidance. I am connected to the wisdom of the universe." Take a few deep breaths, allowing the energy of the third eye chakra to flow freely. (3 mins)
Finally, bring your awareness to the top of your head, the location of your crown chakra. Visualize a radiant violet energy wheel spinning gracefully in a clockwise direction. This chakra is the gateway to higher consciousness, spiritual connection, and divine wisdom. As you focus on your crown chakra, affirm: "I am connected to the divine source of all creation. I am one with the universe, and I am guided by divine wisdom." Take a few deep breaths, allowing the energy of the crown chakra to flow freely. (3 mins)
Now, visualize all seven chakras aligned and balanced, each spinning in perfect harmony with the others. Feel the energy flowing smoothly from the base of your spine to the top of your head, creating a sense of wholeness and well-being. Take a few moments to bask in this state of chakra harmonization, allowing the healing energy to permeate your entire being. (3 mins)
Express gratitude for this journey of chakra healing and transformation. Know that you can return to this practice whenever you need to realign and balance your energy centers. Gently bring your awareness back to the present moment. Wiggle your fingers and toes, becoming aware of your physical body. When you're ready, slowly open your eyes. Carry the sense of balance and harmony with you as you continue your day. Thank you for joining in this chakra healing guided meditation.


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