Navigating life's changes (and eclipse energy) by seeking help

Well I don't know about you, but I FELT that eclipse on so many levels. I felt it in the lead-up, I felt it during, and I'm certainly feeling it today. It doesn't help that my body is still trying to shake another bug that my son brought home (and never one to let a beautiful metaphor go by...I find illness at such an auspicious time to be a great example of the discomfort we go through as we shift into a stronger, healthier version of ourselves). 

But seriously, get ready for the aftermath. While the stage is already set, the aftermath of a powerful eclipse is where you see the drama unfold. 

The reason is because transformative energies emerge from moments of darkness, symbolizing growth and evolution in various aspects of our lives. If you haven't taken a moment or two for yourself in reflection over the past few days, you should. Go inward and ask yourself, "what needs revealing that I haven't been paying attention to?"

This brings me to something else that has come into my awareness lately, and that's the power of asking for help. Contemplation, asking questions of spirit, looking for guidance and support (however that looks for you), are all essentially working the same permissory energy - it is the energy of saying to the universe: "I am open to receive." The truth is that most of the time, when we're living from a place of unconsciousness (unconscious awareness), we are completely oblivious to the resources that are ready and waiting to assist when called upon. Except...they're never called upon. Not until we're crying ourselves sick on the bathroom floor, during one of those 'come to Jesus' moments that everyone, at some point, has. The reality is, we all need to get better at reaching out to the invisible forces at work that are always operating to help us walk in our truth, our power, and our highest good. 

Navigating transformational journeys requires surrendering control to what is (the cold that won't go away, the muddy floors, the endless to-do lists and competing prioritites) and embracing acceptance with intention. Asking for help, whether from spiritual guides, higher selves, or loved ones, opens pathways for support and guidance. Asking for help is not selfish or weak; on the contrary, receiving help from spirit is your literal birthright! Not asking for help from these resources is like watching yourself go broke when you have a loaded savings account.

On the physical plane, asking for help and giving help in return is living from a place of love and in respect of the principle of unity - because we are all one, when you help another, you quite literally help yourself. 

So if you are struggling during this eclipse (and the aftermath), here are some tips for helping get through:

1. Gratitude: Cultivate gratitude for the present moment and the lessons learned along the journey. A daily gratitude practice is extremely alchemical!
2. Ask for help: Recognize the power in asking for assistance, whether through prayer, meditation, or seeking counsel.
3. Set your intentions: Set intentions for personal growth and visualize positive outcomes, aligning actions with aspirations.
4. Mind-body connection: Stay attuned to bodily sensations and emotions, acknowledging resistance as a pathway to deeper understanding. Meditate, do breathwork, and tune into your body.
5. Integrate this time: Reflect on past experiences as stepping stones toward personal evolution, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth.

This process is anything but easy, but nobody really wants things to be easy, do they? Where's the fun, the story, the adventure in that? 

Happy Eclipse / New Moon 🌚

- Chelsea

Transmuting trauma through the ART of Forgiveness 🕊️

Forgiveness is often misconceived as merely pardoning someone else; however, its essence is far more transformative. It encompasses releasing burdens, surrendering the weights of past traumas, and essentially, achieving liberation from what once held us back. This journey of forgiveness, articulated as the ART of Forgiveness, is crucial for personal growth, allowing individuals to progress beyond their past experiences into their authentic selves.

The ART of Forgiveness requires one to embark on a path beginning with acceptance and acknowledgment of one's experiences. This step cultivates a ground for healing by acknowledging responsibility in how one responds to life's challenges, rather than the trauma itself. Progressing through this path, forgiveness involves reframing perspectives to find meaning in suffering and embracing the growth and resilience that can emerge from adversity. This nonlinear journey is facilitated through a framework that supports individuals in reshaping their outlook on past traumas, enabling them to uncover the hidden gifts within their struggles.

At its core, forgiveness culminates in gratitude, acknowledging the lessons learned from past pains without condoning them. This process, although challenging and deeply personal, paves the way for profound transformation and liberation. Embracing the ART of Forgiveness opens up space for new beginnings, allowing individuals to step into their true essence and craft a masterpiece from their deepest wounds and triumphs. This journey of self-discovery and resilience not only transforms the individual but also encourages a community of support and understanding for those navigating their own paths of forgiveness.

Jesus, the ultimate symbol of transformation

Transformation is a word that embodies much more than mere change; it is a deeply profound journey of awakening, symbolized aptly by the butterfly's metamorphosis from cocoon to liberation. This journey is echoed in the narrative of Jesus Christ, the embodiment of transformative power and enlightenment, whose life story models the ultimate cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Through His teachings, Jesus serves as a blueprint for awakening, urging us to recognize our divine essence and the presence of God within, thus inviting us into a journey of self-transcendence and realization of our inherent unity with all existence.

Jesus's ministry was grounded in the principle of unconditional love, a message that transcends religious boundaries, aiming to awaken humanity to its own divine potential and interconnectedness. His life and teachings challenge us to transcend our egos, awaken to our true selves, and embrace our innate divinity. This awakening, Jesus argues, is not about fearing God or adhering to deterministic notions of sin and punishment but about realizing that we are all fundamentally creatures of light, love, and infinite capacity for transformation.

The real essence of Jesus's message invites a collective shift from a state of slumber to spiritual awakening, encouraging us to see beyond the illusory confines of the ego and recognize our eternal souls. The narrative of Jesus is not just a historical account but a living testament to the potential for transformation that lies within each of us, calling us to embrace our identity as children of God. This understanding of our sacred nature and connection with the divine mirrors Jesus's transformative journey and offers a path towards our own enlightenment and realization of the kingdom of God within.

Balancing Your Energy: A Guided Chakra Healing Meditation

In a world that often feels chaotic and uncertain, taking the time to focus on self-healing and recalibration is essential. One effective method for doing so is through chakra or energy-centre healing, which can help to rebalance and refocus the body's seven main energy centres. This type of meditation can lead to a variety of emotional and physical benefits, from increased calmness and clarity to improved energy flow throughout the body.

The guided meditation script provided offers a structured approach to chakra healing, starting with an introduction and moving through exercises focused on breathing, grounding and centering, and opening and balancing each of the seven chakras. Each section of the meditation is dedicated to a specific chakra, from the root to the crown, and involves visualization and affirmation techniques to enhance the healing process. The meditation concludes with a moment of gratitude and a gentle return to the present, leaving participants feeling balanced and rejuvenated.

This meditation practice is designed for anyone seeking to find inner peace, balance, and harmony within themselves. By regularly engaging in this kind of meditation, individuals can better manage stress, foster a deeper connection to their inner selves, and enhance their overall sense of well-being. Whether you're new to meditation or an experienced practitioner, this chakra healing guide can support your journey towards a more centered and balanced life.

Finding Balance: The Key to Unlocking Your Full Potential

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the chaos of modern life? (who isn't?) Struggling to find balance amidst the demands of work, family, and personal goals? It's time to rethink what balance truly means and how it can revolutionize your life.

The concept of balance has become a bit of a controversial one...almost a dirty word...because of the feelings of guilt it produces when we think about it. After all, we have to do all the things AND try to find balance, too? How is that fair (or doable)? 

Well, it's not. 

The present perception of balance represents an unattainable ideal. But what if I told you that balance isn't about juggling all the balls in the air at once....

What if I told you that true balance is about prioritizing the right things and creating space for what truly matters?

Imagine a life where you can focus on what's essential, letting go of the unnecessary noise and distractions. Picture yourself feeling centered, grounded, and in control, even in the midst of life's challenges. That, my friend, is balance. 

But how do you achieve this elusive state of balance? It starts with a shift in mindset. Instead of trying to do it all, you must learn to prioritize your time, energy, and attention. You must identify the balls that truly belong in your basket and let go of the rest.

True balance isn't about perfection; it's about intention. It's about choosing where to invest your resources and focusing on what brings you joy, fulfillment, and purpose. It's about saying no to the things that drain you and yes to the things that nourish you.

In the journey towards balance, you may encounter resistance and obstacles. But these challenges are not roadblocks; they are opportunities for growth and transformation. When you seek true find transformation...every time. That's because by embracing change and letting go of limiting beliefs, you open yourself up to new possibilities and experiences.

Balance is not a destination; it's a lifelong journey. It requires courage, resilience, and self-awareness. But the rewards are immeasurable – greater clarity, inner peace, and a deeper connection to yourself and others.

Are you ready to embrace the power of balance and transform your life? Join me on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment in this week's episode of You Get What You Give podcast (available wherever you listen to podcasts). In this episode, we do a visualization exercise to help gain clarity over all the balls you're currently juggling and really prioritize what matters. As always, we end with a beautiful guided mediation on using balance to find transformation. Together, we can create a life that is truly in harmony with our values, passions, and purpose.

Take the first step towards a more balanced life today. Your future self will thank you for it.


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